How To Fix A Phone That Won't Charge
After a point of time, all our phones tend to malfunction in some way. One of which is the charging problem. Have you ever wondered why your how your phone charges so fast and loses charge at the same speed? Or how your phone charges so slow but still manages to lose charge so quick? Well, there are several reasons for this problem because of some fault in your charging cable or the charging port itself. There's no need to get a new phone for this problem which can instead be fixed at home or by simply giving it to a mobile service center which would be easier and will also save you some money. Some techniques to fix these problems are as follows: Port Fix The easiest way to fix this problem is to switch off your mobile phone, remove the battery if possible, and try to 'lever up' the little tab inside the charging port in your mobile phone. This must be done with extreme precision because even a little extra push the whole charging port can be broken. Cleaning Dust...